About Us

The Japanese Society of Phycology (JSP) was founded in 1952, to promote all researches that are relate d to algae and phycology, and to become a central hub of people who are interested in phycology. Membership is op en to any individual and group who is interested in phycology. The society currently has a worldwide membership of about 1,000 members and subscribers.

The annual fee for

Individual member who reside in Japan 8000 yen
Individual member who reside outside Japan 7000 yen
Student who submits a verifying Statement signed by their Chairperson or Head of Department 5000 yen
Institutional member 20,000 yen

Wiley Online Library

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Please contact John Wiley & Son, Customer Services to get the Access Code for the Persona Member’s only at Email: cs-japan@wiley.com
Please inform the Customer Service your name and the Society Member Number for your inquiry.

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 ●Feb 2020
 Honorary membership  3
 Common member(Domestic)  598
 Individual member (Domestic Studen)  237
 Individual member (Overseas)  184
 Institutional member  44
 Supporting member  7
 Total  1073