About Us
The Japanese Society of Phycology (JSP) was founded in 1952, to promote all researches that are relate
d to algae and phycology, and to become a central hub of people who are interested in phycology. Membership is op
en to any individual and group who is interested in phycology. The society currently has a worldwide membership of about 1,000 members and subscribers.
The annual fee for
- Individual member who reside in Japan 8000 yen
- Individual member who reside outside Japan 7000 yen
- Student who submits a verifying Statement signed by their Chairperson or
Head of Department 5000 yen
- Institutional member 20,000 yen
Wiley Online Library
- As part of your membership of Japanese Society of Phycology you are entitled to online access to Phycological Research through Wiley Online Library.
Please contact John Wiley & Son, Customer Services to get the Access Code for the Persona Member’s only at Email: cs-japan@wiley.com
Please inform the Customer Service your name and the Society Member Number
for your inquiry.
Wiley Online Library
●Feb 2020
Number |
Honorary membership |
3 |
Common member(Domestic) |
598 |
Individual member (Domestic Studen) |
237 |
Individual member (Overseas) |
184 |
Institutional member |
44 |
Supporting member |
7 |
Total |
1073 |
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