How to join

We invite anyone who is interested in any aspect of phycology to become a member of the Japanese Society of Phycology. As a member you will receive Phycological Research and the Japanese Journal of Phycology free of charge. Members who reside outside Japan will receive only the English language journal Phycological Research.

○The annual fee for
Individual member who reside in Japan 8000 yen
Individual member who reside outside Japan 7000 yen
Student who submits a verifying Statement signed by their Chairperson or Head of Department 5000 yen
Institutional member 20,000 yen

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Those who wish to join the Society should send the application form (below), together with payment, to the Membership Secretary, Dr. Akira Kurihara, at the address given on this page.

JSP Application

JSP Application

○Send application form to:
Noriko UEKI
Science Research Center, Hosei University
2-17-1 Fujimi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0071 JAPAN
Email. noriko.ueki[at]